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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

National Service Hotline


Contact information

Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Harmony Electronics

The office address of Guangxi Hesheng Electronics Co., Ltd. is located on the 15th floor of Building 8, Binzhou Industrial Park, Litang Town, Litang Town, Binyang County, Guangxi, Nanning, an urban style of "green hills surrounding the city, clear water surrounding the city, and green trees melting the city". It was registered and established in Binyang County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on July 18, 2019. In the two years of the company's development and growth, we have always provided customers with good products and technical support, and sound after-sales service.

Our company is mainly engaged in production and sales: earphones, combination speakers, computer accessories and other electronic products, molds, hardware products, plastic products; online sales: mobile phones, mobile phone accessories, mobile power supplies, computers, computer peripheral accessories, car hands-free intercom; goods Import and export, technology import and export; general cargo road transportation*** (Projects subject to approval in accordance with the law can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments.)




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

Copyright ? 2021~2024 東莞市凌眾精密模具有限公司




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