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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Industry News

Ling Zhong explained the mold acceptance standards in detail

Ling Zhong explained the mold acceptance standards in detail

The standards for mold acceptance are mainly divided into the following aspects: First, there are 15 main points in terms of mold appearance, and then 9 main points in terms of mold packaging and transportation. Next, Lingzhong manufacturers will do it for you. Introduce in detail the acceptance points of mold appearance and packaging and transportation.

1. Mold appearance

1.The content of the mold nameplate is complete, the characters are clear, and the arrangement is neat.

2. The nameplate should be fixed on the mold foot close to the template and the reference angle. The nameplate is reliable and not easy to peel off.

3.The cooling water nozzle should be made of plastic block water nozzle, and the customer has other requirements according to the requirements.

4. The cooling water nozzle should not protrude from the surface of the mold base.

5. The cooling water nozzle needs to be processed with counterbore. The counterbore diameter is 25mm, 30mm, and 35mm. The orifice is chamfered and the chamfer should be the same.

6. The cooling water nozzle should have entry and exit marks.

7. Mark English characters and numbers should be greater than 5/6, and the position should be 10mm directly below the tap. The handwriting should be clear, beautiful, neat, and evenly spaced.

8. Mold accessories should not affect the hoisting and storage of the mold. During installation, there are exposed oil cylinders, water nozzles, pre-reset mechanisms, etc., which should be protected by supporting legs.

9.The installation of the support leg should be fixed on the mold base with screws through the support leg, and the excessively long support leg can be fastened to the mold base with a machined external threaded column.

10.The size of the ejector hole of the mold should meet the requirements of the specified injection molding machine. Except for small molds, it cannot be ejected with only one center.

11. The positioning ring should be fixed and reliable. The diameter of the ring is 100mm and 250mm. The positioning ring is 10-20mm higher than the bottom plate. Unless otherwise requested by the customer.

12.The external dimensions of the mold should meet the requirements of the specified injection molding machine.

13. For molds with orientation requirements, an arrow should be used to indicate the installation direction on the front or rear template, and the word "UP" should be placed next to the arrow. The arrow and text are all yellow, and the height of the word is 50 mm.

14.The surface of the mold base should not have pits, rust, redundant rings, water vapor in and out, oil holes, etc., and defects that affect the appearance.

15.The mold should be easy to hoist and transport, and the mold parts must not be disassembled during hoisting, and the lifting ring must not interfere with the water nozzle, oil cylinder, pre-reset rod, etc.

Two, packaging and transportation

1. The mold cavity should be cleaned and sprayed with anti-rust oil.

2.The sliding parts should be coated with lubricating oil.

3. The inlet of the sprue sleeve should be sealed with grease.

4. The mold should be equipped with a clamping piece, and the specifications meet the design requirements.

5. Spare parts and vulnerable parts should be complete, with a detailed list and the name of the supplier.

6. The mold water, liquid, gas, and electrical inlet and outlet should be sealed to prevent foreign objects from entering.

7. The outer surface of the mold is sprayed with paint, and the customer has the requirements according to the requirements.

8. The mold should be packaged in moisture-proof, waterproof, and anti-collision packaging, and customers have requirements as required.

9.Mold product drawings, structural drawings, cooling and heating system drawings, hot runner drawings, spare parts and mold material supplier details, instruction manuals, mold test reports, factory inspection certificates, and electronic documents should be complete.

The above is a detailed introduction to the mold appearance and mold packaging and transportation acceptance standards, I hope it can help you.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

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