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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

National Service Hotline


Contact information

Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Industry News

  • A New Vision for the Liesheng

    Founded in 2015, Liesheng Technology has grown into a global consumer electronics brand enterprise with with its products being sold in more than 100 countries and regions worldwide and serving tens of millions of users. With the vision of "Redefine Intelligent Life", Liesheng continues to explore intelligent life scenarios and is committed to improving everyone's life quality via data. As a fast-growing and highly creative global enterprise, Liesheng always views technological innovation as the core drivers of its business, with R&D personnel accounting for 60% of its employees. It has two R&D centers, which are located respectively in Shenzhen and Dongguan. And it will build Liesheng Southwest Headquarter in Chongqing Science City to gather excellent scientific talents in various fields.Liesheng has successfully built Haylou, a consumer electronics brand, and has continued to explore and innovate in healthcare, IOT, and big data in order to build a brand new intelligent and healthy life for its consumers.

  • High precision plastic mold processing steps

    Driven by the drive system, the screw conveys and compacts the material from the hopper. Under the combined action of the heater, screw and barrel outside the barrel, the material is gradually melted, and the material is gradually melted at the head of the barrel. A certain amount of molten plastic has accumulated in the part. Under the pressure of the melt, the screw slowly retreats. The retreat distance depends on the amount required for one injection of the metering device. When the predetermined injection volume is reached, the screw stops rotating and retreats

  • What to pay attention to in injection mold

    The shrinkage coefficient of each material is different, and the plastic mold must have a reasonable shrinkage rate. The plastic mold must have sufficient rigidity, otherwise it will deform during clamping and holding pressure, causing "flash". If the product is ejected while opening the mold, the ejector page of the injection molding machine can be set (but some injection molding machines do not have this function).





Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

Copyright ? 2021~2024 東莞市凌眾精密模具有限公司

record number:粵ICP備18028150號


Technical support: Huizhuo Network




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