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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

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Whether the mold is good or not, mold processing is very important!

Whether the mold is good or not, mold processing is very important!

If you want to know whether a set of molds is good or not, of course the processing is important. So what are the mold processing, process, and details? Let me talk about it for everyone today.

Mold type

Metal stamping die: continuous die, single punch die, compound die, drawing die

Plastic molding mold: injection mold, extrusion mold, blister mold

Die casting mold

Forging die

Powder metallurgy mold

Rubber mold

Mold processing process

Cutting material: front mold material, rear mold material, insert material, row position material, inclined top material.

Open frame: front mold frame, rear mold frame.

Rough opening: the front mold cavity is opened, the back mold cavity is opened, and the parting line is opened.

Copper male: front mold copper male, rear mold copper male, parting line clear angle copper male.

Wire cutting: insert parting line, copper male, inclined top pillow position.

Computer gong: fine gong parting line, fine gong back mold core.

EDM: thick front mold, clear angle of copper male and male mold lines, back mold bone position, pillow position.

Drilling, pinhole, thimble; mold thimble hole waterway hole processing row, row pressure pole.

Inclined top, compound thimble, with thimble.

Basic Features

High processing accuracy requirements: a mold is generally composed of a female mold, a convex mold and a mold base, and some may also be a multi-piece split module. Therefore, the combination of upper and lower molds, the combination of inserts and cavities, and the assembly of modules require high machining accuracy. The dimensional accuracy of precision molds often reaches the μm level.

Complex shapes: Some products, such as car covers, aircraft parts, toys, and household appliances, have a surface that is composed of multiple curved surfaces. Therefore, the mold cavity surface is very complicated. Some curved surfaces must be processed by mathematical calculation methods.

Small batch: The production of molds is not mass production, and in many cases only one pair is produced.

Many processes: Milling, boring, drilling, reaming and tapping are always used in mold processing.

The use of repetitive production molds has a life: when a pair of molds exceeds its life, a new mold must be replaced, so the production of molds is often repetitive.

In the production of profiling molds, sometimes there is neither pattern nor data, and profiling must be performed according to the actual object. This requires high imitation accuracy and no deformation.

The mold material is excellent, and the main material of the mold with high hardness is mostly made of high-quality alloy steel, especially the long-life mold, which is often made of ledeburite steel such as Crl2, CrWMn.

According to the above-mentioned many characteristics, the machine tool should be selected to meet the processing requirements as much as possible, such as the function of the CNC system, the precision of the machine, the rigidity, the thermal stability, and the profiling function.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

Copyright ? 2021~2024 東莞市凌眾精密模具有限公司

record number:粵ICP備18028150號(hào)


Technical support: Huizhuo Network




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