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Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.

National Service Hotline


Contact information

Dongguan Lingzhong Precision Mould Co., Ltd.




Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Company dynamics

  • Ling Zhong explained the mold acceptance standards in detail

    The standards for mold acceptance are mainly divided into the following aspects: First, there are 15 main points in terms of mold appearance, and then 9 main points in terms of mold packaging and transportation. Next, Lingzhong manufacturers will do it for you. Introduce in detail the acceptance points of mold appearance and packaging and transportation

  • High precision plastic mold processing steps

    Driven by the drive system, the screw conveys and compacts the material from the hopper. Under the combined action of the heater, the screw and the barrel of the barrel, the material gradually melts. The part has accumulated a certain amount of molten plastic. Under the pressure of the melt, the screw slowly retreats. The retreat distance depends on the amount required for one injection of the metering device to adjust. When the predetermined injection volume is reached, the screw stops rotating and retreats .

  • How to control the color difference of the product during the processing of plastic molds

    Product color difference in plastic mold processing plants is a common shortcoming in injection molding. ``It is not uncommon for injection molding machines to be scrapped in batches due to different colors of matching parts. Color difference affects many factors, involving the mixing of raw material resin, color masterbatch, and the same material of color masterbatch. Injection molding products, injection molding machines, molds, etc., because of the wide range of involvement, so the color difference control skills are also recognized as one of the difficult skills in injection molding.





Address:No. 3, Nange 3rd Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City

Mobile phone line :13809276153

Copyright ? 2021~2024 東莞市凌眾精密模具有限公司

record number:粵ICP備18028150號


Technical support: Huizhuo Network




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